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Gaba Tea House

Tao Cha M 2008 y.o. №1 Tea

Tao Cha M 2008 y.o. №1 Tea

Regular price 149.000 IDR
Regular price Sale price 149.000 IDR
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"Tuo Cha" (沱茶) refers to a specific shape of compressed tea. The name "Tuo Cha" translates to "bowl-shaped tea" or "nest tea," and it is typically a small, round, and compact form of compressed tea, resembling a bird's nest or a bowl.Given the shape and packaging in your image, the tea is likely a "Shu Puer Tuo Cha," combining the characteristics of ripe Puer tea and the Tuo Cha shape. This form makes it convenient to store and easy to portion out for brewing.
